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  道康宁大中华区总裁张康明(Jeremy Burks)表示:“自2008年道康宁青少年科技日活动首次举办以来,我们通过精心设计的实验让中国学生发现科学是有趣又富有启发性的。值此活动五周年庆祝之际,我们更加确信中国今后的发展需要依靠接受良好教育的年轻一代,而道康宁将继续不遗余力地投资未来,为中国的发展作出贡献。”









  道康宁公司(提供增强性能的解决方案,满足全球25,000多家客户的不同需求。作为有机硅,硅基技术和创新领域的全球领导者,道康宁通过Dow Corning® (道康宁)与XIAMETER®品牌提供7,000多种产品和服务。道康宁公司是一家由陶氏化学公司和康宁公司均等持股的合资公司。道康宁一半以上的销售额来自美国以外地区。道康宁的全球业务积极响应美国化学理事会发起的“责任关怀”倡议。该倡议旨在通过一套严格的标准,提高化学产品与工艺流程的安全管理水平。


  首次“生活中的奇妙有机硅”—— 道康宁青少年科技日活动于2008年在上海启动,是道康宁全球企业社会责任活动的重要组成部分。这一活动旨在启发和教育年轻一代,让他们了解科技的力量。今年,这项活动在江苏张家港、上海松江和张江地区分别举行,预计将有近1,200名学生在道康宁员工志愿者的指导下亲自动手做实验感受科学的奇妙。更多内容,请参见道康宁青少年科技日官方微博


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“Fascinating Silicone in Life” - Dow Corning Science Day Program Marks Fifth Anniversary in China

Dow Corning Continues Commitment to China Youth’s Education and Invests into The Future

  Shanghai – Dow Corning, a global leader in silicon-based technology and innovation, celebrated its distinguished “Fascinating Silicone in Life” – Dow Corning Science Day program in Shanghai today, proudly marking its fifth anniversary since it was first inaugurated.

During the two-day event held on December 8 and 9 at Dow Corning’s China Business and Technology Center in Zhangjiang, about 400 primary and middle school students conducted active and unique silicone related experiments that aim to inspire and demonstrate the possibilities of chemistry and technology.

Dow Corning’s Science Day aims to play an edifying role for all students through a series of hands-on silicone-based applications that underscore the marvelous properties of the world’s second most abundant material. Central to these experiments is how silicone innovations protect our environment and improve all our lives. Nearly 1,200 Chinese students took part in this year’s series of Science Days, testament to the ever increasing popularity of this event.

“Since 2008 our Science Day program has been making science fun and inspiring for Chinese students through uniquely designed experiments,” said Jeremy Burks, Dow Corning Greater China President. “At the five year milestone for this program, we more than ever believe China’s development is dependent on a well-educated young generation and we remain committed to supporting the region by continuing to invest in its future.”

Students took part in the event this year conducted five experiments: “Silicone Refrigerator Magnet,” “Chill Cool Lotion”, “Solar Windmill,” “Silicone Printing Handkerchief,” and “Anti-foaming.” Conducted under the guidance of volunteers from Dow Corning and University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, these experiments allowed students to experience first-hand the power of silicones.

“I am proud of Dow Corning’s volunteering culture which is a core part of our company’s values. A combined participation number of 620 employees from Dow Corning have already contributed to this program in the past five years,” said Burks. “With their continued contributions, I am certain that the program will continue to reach local communities and encourage creativity among China’s youth.”

“I also applaud the university students for actively taking part in community activities and contributing to our Science Day program. Meanwhile, I hope their knowledge in science will also be improved by taking advantage of this wonderful learning opportunity,” added Burks.

As an innovative CSR program in China, Dow Corning Science Day has grown to become an annual fixture in the Dow Corning calendar and has expanded to six Chinese locations in the past five years. It has been introduced to Songjiang and Pudong District in Shanghai, Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu Province as well as Beijing and Guangzhou. Over 4,800 young people have been provided with an opportunity to participate to date. For this year, in addition to holding the program at the company’s China Business and Technology Center in Zhangjiang, the program was also held in Zhangjiagang in October and in Songjiang in November this year.

About Dow Corning
  Dow Corning ( provides performance-enhancing solutions to serve the
diverse needs of more than 25,000 customers worldwide. A global leader in silicones,
silicon-based technology and innovation, Dow Corning offers more than 7,000 products
and services via the company’s Dow Corning® and XIAMETER® brands. Dow Corning is equally owned by The Dow Chemical Company and Corning, Incorporated. More than half of Dow Corning’s annual sales are outside the United States. Dow Corning’s global operations adhere to the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care® initiative, a stringent set of standards designed to advance the safe and secure management of chemical products and processes.

  About “Fascinating Silicone in Life” – Dow Corning Science Day Program
  Initially launched in 2008 in Shanghai, “Fascinating Silicone in Life” – Dow Corning Science Day Program, is an important part of Dow Corning global CSR program. This program aims to inspire and educate young generations about the power of science and technology. In 2012, the program takes place in Zhangjiagang (Jiangsu), Songjiang (Shanghai) and Zhangjiang (Shanghai), and nearly 1,200 students are expected to attend the three events under the guidance of Dow Corning employee volunteers.


