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2012年12月24日,中国上海 - 作为有机硅,硅基技术和创新领域的全球领导者,道康宁近日被联合调查机构(CRF)评为2013年度中国杰出雇主。联合调查机构作为一家独立机构,专业评估在人力管理方面的卓越领导者。与获此殊荣的其他35家企业一样,道康宁通过不懈的努力,积极打造与其中国各级员工的长期合作伙伴关系,支持他们充分发挥潜力。道康宁曾在2009年和2011年分获中国杰出最佳雇主。

  道康宁大中华区总裁张康明(Jeremy Burks)表示:“我们很荣幸能够在2013年再次荣获中国杰出雇主的称号,这个成就归功于我们员工的不懈努力、以及追求卓越的承诺。在道康宁,我们不遗余力地为员工提供发展的机会,让他们能够充分发挥潜力。我们吸引杰出的员工,正是他们使道康宁成为杰出的公司!”


  “在道康宁,员工是我们的竞争优势,使我们成为一个优秀的雇主。凭借我们结构合理、量身定制的职业发展项目,独特且具有竞争力的薪酬福利,以及积极向上的企业文化等,道康宁能够很好地吸引并留住优秀的人才,培养强大的组织能力,确保我们在中国和世界各地的不断成长。” 康平说道。

  CRF国际杰出雇主奖是年度人力资源评估与认证项目,在全球范围内评选人力资源管理的领军企业。它由联合调查机构始建于1991年,并于 2006年引入中国。迄今为止,已有全球13个国家的10,000多家世界领先企业参加该认证。

  在道康宁,员工是确保公司全球运营成功的重要保障。道康宁在世界各地屡获优秀雇主殊荣。这些殊荣包括:“亚洲最佳雇主”奖、由卓越工作场所研究院(Great Place to Work® Institute)授予的美国、澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、欧洲、德国、印度和英国最佳工作场所奖。


道康宁公司(提供增强性能的解决方案,满足全球25,000多家客户的不同需求。作为有机硅,硅基技术和创新领域的全球领导者,道康宁通过Dow Corning® (道康宁)与XIAMETER®品牌提供7,000多种产品和服务。道康宁公司是一家由陶氏化学公司和康宁公司均等持股的合资公司。道康宁一半以上的销售额来自美国以外地区。道康宁的全球业务积极响应美国化学理事会发起的“责任关怀”倡议。该倡议旨在通过一套严格的标准,提高化学产品与工艺流程的安全管理水平。

Dow Corning named China’s Top Employer for Third Time

  Shanghai, China – Dow Corning, a global leader in silicones, silicon-based technology and innovation was recently recognized as China’s Top Employer 2013 by the Corporate Research Foundation (CRF), an independent organization that identifies leaders in human management excellence. Dow Corning among 36 companies for its continuous efforts in fostering a life-long partnership with its China employees at all levels and endeavoring to support them in achieving their full potentials. Dow Corning was a winner in 2009 and 2011.

  “We are honored to be recognized once again as a Top Employer in 2013 in China and I attribute this achievement to our employees’ hard work and commitment to excellence,” said Jeremy Burks, Dow Corning Greater China President. “At Dow Corning we conscientiously strive to provide our employees with great opportunities so they can achieve their full potential. When we attract great employees, they can make our company great! ”

  During the prestigious award ceremony that took place on December 12 in Hotel Langham in Xintiandi Shanghai, Dow Corning Greater China and South Asia Human Resources Director, Kang Ping, shared best in-house practices and insights with other industry leaders.

  “At Dow Corning, our employees are our competitive advantage that makes us a great company to work,” said Kang Ping. “Through our well-structured and tailor made career development programs, unique and competitive compensation and benefits offering along with an inspiring corporate culture, Dow Corning is in an excellent position to attract and retain top talent, foster a strong organization capability that can ensure our continued growth in China and around the world.”

  The CRF International Top Employer Award is an annual certification program that recognizes top-performers worldwide in HR management. It was founded by the Corporate Research Foundation (CRF) in 1991 and later brought to China in 2006. To date, it operates in 13 countries and over 10,000 leading organizations around the world have already participated.

  At Dow Corning, employees are placed at the center of the global operation. This is reflected in the number of international recognitions citing the company as an employer of choice. They include Best Employers in Asia as well as Best Companies to Work For in America, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Europe, Germany, India and the United Kingdom as identified by the Great Place to Work® Institute.

  About Dow Corning

  Dow Corning ( provides performance-enhancing solutions to serve the
  diverse needs of more than 25,000 customers worldwide. A global leader in silicones,
  silicon-based technology and innovation, Dow Corning offers more than 7,000 products
  and services via the company’s Dow Corning® and XIAMETER® brands. Dow Corning is equally owned   by The Dow Chemical Company and Corning, Incorporated. More than half of Dow Corning’s annual sales are   outside the United States. Dow Corning’s global operations adhere to the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care® initiative, a stringent set of standards designed to advance the safe and secure   management of chemical products and processes.


